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  2. Meeting/Training



Information on meetings and training

  • Ichihara Marine Hotel is also used by everyone for meetings and training.
    We propose various layouts so that everyone can use the banquet room and conference room easily.

venue layout

  • *All prices shown include tax.

Equipment fee

Whiteboard2,200 JPY
screen(100 inch)2,750 yen
DVDs(Playback only)2,200 JPY
projector5,500 JPY
CopyMonochrome:40 yen/Color:110 yen
FAX1st part:110 yen/Part 2~:60 yen
・Banquet room AB,A.:2 wireless/1 wired
・Banquet room B:2 wires
・conference room:None

meal fee

Shokado Bento(Reservation required)From 1,650 yen to 3,300 yen
Dinner(Reservation required)2,200 JPY
coffee pot(2.5L:self)1,650 yen
1 cup of coffee440 yen
oolong tea pitcher(1.8L)1,650 yen
Water bottle 500ml(Reservation required)220 yen
  • *All prices shown include tax.

Click here to book a meeting or training

  • If you have made a reservation for a conference or training, please check the conference room cancellation fee below.
Email addressmail@marinehotel.jp
Reservation receptionUp to 1 week before
*Last minute applications will be accepted upon consultation.